Museum Quality Drum Scanning
Using one of two Heidelberg Tango drum scanners, Michael Strickland Studios offers the highest quality drum scans from film originals.
Platinum Palladium Printing
Coveted by masters such as Irving Penn, platinum palladium prints are renowned for their beauty and archival properties.
“Michael Strickland is my go-to guy for drum scans. This year alone, he has scanned over a dozen sheets of my film — each scan has been spot-on. He does a fantastic job retaining detail in the highlights and shadows, which is awesome to have when editing the scan in Photoshop. This allows me to produce a print that captures all the nuance of the original sheet of film. Whenever a customer of mine orders a print of one of my new photos, the first thing I do is send Michael the film. Turnaround time is very fast, and I really like how the file is sent to me electronically. I can start working on the print even before my original film arrives home. Thanks Michael for the great service!”
Ben Horne
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273 Street Lane
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 557-4400
Monday - Thursday, 12:00 to 23:00
Friday & Saturday, 12:00 to 00:00
Sunday, Closed